A local policeman had just finished his shift

A silly boy

| Idiot and fool jokes

A silly boy spent the afternoon with some friends, but when the time came for him to leave, a terrific storm started with thunder, lightning and torrential rain. 'You can't go home in this,' said one of his friends, ' you'd better stay the night. 'That's very kind of you,' said the boy. ' I'

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Why are they called apartments when they

| Answer me this jokes

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

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Doctor, Doctor I keep seeing

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor I keep seeing double. Please sit on the couch. Which one!

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When a man steals your wife,

| Men jokes

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

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Jack went to see the camp nurse. 'I

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Jack went to see the camp nurse. 'I fell last night,' he said. 'And I was unconscious for eight hours. The nurse was shocked. 'How awful. What happened?' 'I fell asleep!

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A local policeman had just finished his shift one cold November evening and was at home with his wife. You just won’t believe what happened this evening , in all my years on the force I’ve never seen anything like it. Oh yes dear, what happened ? I came across two guys down by the canal, one of them was drinking battery acid and the other was eating fireworks. Drinking battery acid and eating fireworks!! What did you do with them? Oh that was easy, I charged one and let the other off.