What position does the pig play in football?

What snakes are good at sums ?

| Snake jokes

What snakes are good at sums ? Adders !

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How many fishermen does it take to change a

| Fishing jokes

How many fishermen does it take to change a light bulb? One, but you should have seen the bulb, it must have been THIS big.

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Ghost: Are you coming to my party?

| Ghost jokes

Ghost: Are you coming to my party? Spook: Where is it? Ghost: In the morgue - you know what they say, the morgue the merrier.

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What happened to the horse that swallowed a

| Horse jokes

What happened to the horse that swallowed a dollar bill? It bucked!

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What happens when a hen eats gunpowder ?

| Bird jokes

What happens when a hen eats gunpowder ? She lays hand gren-eggs !

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What position does the pig play in football? Loinback.