Do you think my skin is starting to show its

A postcard home: The weather is here. Wish you

| Weather jokes

A postcard home: The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful.

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Examiner: I think you know very little, if

| Religious jokes

Examiner: I think you know very little, if anything at all, about the Bible. Can you quote any passage? Student: 'Judas departed and went and hanged himself. Examiner: Well, that's a surprise. Can you quote another? Student: 'Go thou and do likewise.

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What do Scottish owls sing?

| Bird jokes

What do Scottish owls sing? Owld Lang Syne.

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Q. A fireman had

| Firefighter jokes

Q. A fireman had two sons. What did he name them? A. Hosea and Hoseb'

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Why are cats longer

| Cat jokes

Why are cats longer in the evening than they are in the morning? Because they're let out in the evening and taking in in the morning !

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Do you think my skin is starting to show its age?” “I can’t tell. There are too many wrinkles.”