Q. What’s the difference

Cloyd went to a Charleston dentist

| Dentist jokes

Cloyd went to a Charleston dentist complaining his gums had shriveled up and his teeth were falling out. After examining him, the dentist said, "Your mouth is really bad. Do you brush?" "Ah sure do!" replied Cloyd. "Everee single day!" "What do you brush with?" asked the dentist, "Preparation H,"

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My problem is that I

| Christmas jokes

My problem is that I keep stealing things when I go Christmas shopping. Can you give me something for it! Doctor: Try this medicine...and if it doesn't work come back and bring me a new video camera.

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Why didn't the dog want to play football

| Sport jokes

Why didn't the dog want to play football ? It was a boxer !

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Teacher: This is the third

| School jokes

Teacher: This is the third time I've had to tell you off this week, what have you got to say about that? Pupil: Thank heavens it's Friday !

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Conversation between two accountants at a

| Accountant jokes

Conversation between two accountants at a cocktail party: ".......and ninthly..."

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Q. What’s the difference between a lawnmower and a bagpipe? A. You can tune the lawnmower, and the owner’s neighbors are upset if you borrow the lawnmower and don’t return it.