Moe: My wife converted me to

Q: Why do hens lay eggs?

| Bird jokes

Q: Why do hens lay eggs? A: If they dropped them, they'd break'

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How do they dance in Arabia?

| Dance jokes

How do they dance in Arabia? Sheik-to-sheik (cheek).

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Q: How many Camera Assistants does it

| Movie and TV jokes

Q: How many Camera Assistants does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Five: One to do it and four to tell you how they did it on the last job.

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Pilot: Tower, please call me

| Aviation jokes

Pilot: Tower, please call me a fuel truck. Tower: Roger. You are a fuel truck.

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How do you spell elephant ?

| Spelling jokes

How do you spell elephant ? E-l-l-e-e-f-a-n-t "That's not how the dictionary spells it" "You didn't ask me how the dictionary spelt it !"

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Moe: My wife converted me to religion. Joe: Really? Moe: Yes. Until I married her I didn’t believe in hell.