What word grows smaller when you add two

There was this little kid who had a bad

| Parent jokes

There was this little kid who had a bad habit of sucking his thumb. His mother finally told him that if he didn't stop sucking his thumb, he'd get fat. Two weeks later, his mother had her friends over for a game of bridge. The boy points to an obviously pregnant woman and says, "Ah, ha! I know

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Why do witches have stiff joints ?

| Witch jokes

Why do witches have stiff joints ? They get broomatism !

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What do you get when you pour hot water down a

| Rabbit jokes

What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A Hot Cross bunny.

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Q: Have you seen the

| Ethnic jokes

Q: Have you seen the polish mine detector. A1: Put you fingers in your ears and start stamping the ground with your foot.

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What looks like a dog, sounds like a dog, eats

| Dog jokes

What looks like a dog, sounds like a dog, eats like a dog, but isn't a dog? A pup.

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What word grows smaller when you add two letters to it? Add “er” to short and it becomes shorter.