I spent the whole evening

Fan: I've always admired you. Are your teeth

| Teeth jokes

Fan: I've always admired you. Are your teeth your own? Actor: Whose do you think they are?'

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'You boy ! called a policeman. Can you

| Children jokes

'You boy ! called a policeman. Can you help ? We're looking for a man with a huge red nose called Cotters...... 'Really ?' said the boy. 'What're his ears called ?'

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Doctor, doctor, I feel like a small

| Mental health jokes

Doctor, doctor, I feel like a small bucket. You do look a little pail.

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Witch: Doctor, I can't help pulling ugly faces.

| Face jokes

Witch: Doctor, I can't help pulling ugly faces. Doctor: Well there's nothing terrible about that. Witch: It is when the people with ugly faces don't like them being pulled.

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Q: How many editors does it take to change

| Journalist jokes

Q: How many editors does it take to change a lightbulb? A: It was supposed to be in place last week!

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I spent the whole evening knotsurfing! Don’t you mean netsurfing? No, everyone was complaining because I tied the computer up for ages!