What’s black, yellow and covered in

What do you call a Welshman

| Letter jokes

What do you call a Welshman who writes lots of letters ? Pen Gwyn !

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There was the Florida State defensive tackle

| College jokes

There was the Florida State defensive tackle who thought Hertz Van Rentals was a famous Dutch painter.

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What do you get is you cross a ghost with a

| Ghost jokes

What do you get is you cross a ghost with a packet of potato chips? Snacks that go crunch in the night.

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What is the definition of Robin ?

| Bird jokes

What is the definition of Robin ? A bird who steals !

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What do you get if you cross two snakes with a

| Snake jokes

What do you get if you cross two snakes with a magic spell ? Addercadabra and abradacobra !

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What’s black, yellow and covered in blackberries ? A bramble bee !