What happened when the chef found a daddy long

What has four wheels and flies ?

| Insect jokes

What has four wheels and flies ? A rubbish bin !

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Why does a rooster watch TV ?

| Bird jokes

Why does a rooster watch TV ? For hentertainment !

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Late one

| Criminal jokes

Late one night, a burglar broke into a house he thought was empty. He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly he froze in his tracks when he heard a loud voice say, "Jesus is watching you!" Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again. "Jesus is watching you," the

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Doctor, are you sure Im suffering

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, are you sure Im suffering from pneumonia? Ive heared once about a doctor treating someone with pneumonia and finally he died of typhus. "Don't worry, it won't happen to me. If I treat someone with pneumonia he will die of pneumonia."

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The Sunday

| Hair and bald jokes

The Sunday School teacher asked if any of the children's parents had quoted from the Bible in the past week. Little Timmy paused, but then spoke up, "My daddy doesn't have any hair on his head. Daddy says that God put hair on everything that he was ashamed of."

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What happened when the chef found a daddy long legs in the salad ? It became a daddy short legs !