Dick and Bob

What letter stands for the ocean?

| Letter jokes

What letter stands for the ocean? The letter C.

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| Book title jokes

I've Been Bitten! by A. Flea

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Why did the dentist

| Dentist jokes

Why did the dentist make a poor date with the manicurist? Because they fought both tooth and nail!

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Q: How many Democrats does it take to

| Political jokes

Q: How many Democrats does it take to destroy a light bulb? A: None. They only know how to destroy the taxpayers.

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How did the basketball court get wet?

| Sport jokes

How did the basketball court get wet? The players dribbled all over it!

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Dick and Bob were on a hunting trip. At nightfall, Dick complained, ‘We’ve been hunting all day. We’ve shot at five deer – and not hit one! ‘OK. Let’s miss two more and then head back to camp,’ said Bob.