What do you call a guard

Two Newfies landed themselves a job at a saw

| Ethnic jokes

Two Newfies landed themselves a job at a saw mill. Just before morning the one yelled, "Mick! I lost me finger!" "Have you now?" says Mick. "And how did you do it?" "I just touched this big spinning thing here... No! There goes another one!"

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If a man was born in England, raised in

| Dead and dying jokes

If a man was born in England, raised in America and died in Spain, what does that make him? Dead.

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Can you spell a composition with two

| Spelling jokes

Can you spell a composition with two letters? SA (essay).

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Customer: I think I've got a bug in my

| Computer jokes

Customer: I think I've got a bug in my computer. Repairman: Does your computer make a humming noise? Customer: Yes. Repairman: Then it must be a humbug!

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What kind of party do prisoners in jail

| Criminal jokes

What kind of party do prisoners in jail like most of all. A going-away party.

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What do you call a guard with a hundred legs? A sentrypede.