Why is it difficult to

The Barber of

| Book title jokes

The Barber of Seville by Aaron Floor

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Doctor, Doctor you've taken out my

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor you've taken out my tonsils, my adenoids, my gall bladder, my varicose veins and my appendix, but I still don't feel well. That's quite enough out of you!

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I have a friend who is a pilot on a

| Aviation jokes

I have a friend who is a pilot on a 747. I said "Hi Jack." He shot me.

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What sort of violin does a

| Ghost jokes

What sort of violin does a ghost play? A dreadivarius.

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Q: Did you hear

| Dirty jokes

Q: Did you hear about the conceited blonde? A: She screams her own name when she comes.

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Why is it difficult to identify horses from the back? They’re always switching their tails!