Why were the early days of history called the

Why did the robber take a bath?

| Bath jokes

Why did the robber take a bath? So he could make a clean getaway.

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What do you get if you try to cross a mouse with

| Mouse jokes

What do you get if you try to cross a mouse with a skunk ? Dirty looks from the mouse !

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Q: What do you call 4 blondes laying on the

| Dirty jokes

Q: What do you call 4 blondes laying on the beach? A: Public access.

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There once was a baby

| Various animal jokes

There once was a baby elephant and a baby turtle drinking from a river deep in the jungle. For no reason, the turtle reaches over and bites the elephant's tail, really hard. Years and years later, the same elephant, now grown up, is by the same river, having a drink with his giraffe buddy, w

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What's the worst thing about having to kiss

| Old age jokes

What's the worst thing about having to kiss Grandma? When the damn coffin lid falls and hits you in the head.

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Why were the early days of history called the dark ages ? Because there were so many knights !