Which author do the Gorillas love

Which of these jokes do the pigs like best?

| Pig jokes

Which of these jokes do the pigs like best? The corniest ones.

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Yo mama so poor your

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.

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Wouldn't it be nice to tell the Dean of your

| College jokes

Wouldn't it be nice to tell the Dean of your college what you REALLY think about him/her? Well, if you like your Dean as much as I like my Dean, then you'd better keep your mouth shut. I knew I'd get kicked out of the college if I expressed my true feelings, so I remained silent for the last f

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Judge to witness: "And where was the location of

| Judge jokes

Judge to witness: "And where was the location of the accident?" Witness: "Approximately milepost 499." Judge:: "And where is milepost 499?" Witness: "About halfway between milepost 498 and milepost 500."

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Why are dolphins cleverer than humans ?

| Various animal jokes

Why are dolphins cleverer than humans ? Within 3 hours they can train a man to stand at the side of a pool and feed them fish !

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Which author do the Gorillas love most? Joh Steinbeck – who wrote ‘The Apes of Wrath!