Q: What’s black and dangerous and lives in a

What is a runner's favourite subject in school

| Sport jokes

What is a runner's favourite subject in school ? Jog-raphy !

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What did King Arthur sleep with when he was

| History jokes

What did King Arthur sleep with when he was afraid of the dark? A knight light'

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Two men,

| Criminal jokes

Two men, sentenced to die in the electric chair on the same day were led down to the room in which they would meet their maker. The priest had given the last rites, the formal speech had been given by the warden, and a final prayer had been said among the participants. The Warden, turning to

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Two guys

| Hunting jokes

Two guys are out hunting deer. The first guy says, "Did you see that?" "No," the second guy says. "Well, a bald eagle just flew overhead," the first guy says. "Oh," says the second guy. A couple of minutes later, The first guy says, "Did you see that?" "See what?" the second guy asks

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Q. Which

| Religious jokes

Q. Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy? A. The area around the Jordan. The banks were always overflowing.

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Q: What’s black and dangerous and lives in a tree? A: A gorilla with a machine gun.