Why couldn’t the

Yo mamas so fat it took me a bus and two

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mamas so fat it took me a bus and two trains just to get on her good side.

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Q: Why don't Polish people kill frogs?

| Ethnic jokes

Q: Why don't Polish people kill frogs? A: Because it's their national bird.

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A little boy walked

| Funny jokes - 50 best jokes

A little boy walked down the aisle at a wedding. As he made his way to the front, he would take two steps, then stop, and turn to the crowd, alternating between the bride's side and the groom's side. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. And so it went-step, step

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Yo mama so skinny she

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio

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If a woman is born in Italy, grows up

| Dead and dying jokes

If a woman is born in Italy, grows up in England, goes to America and dies in Baltimore, what is she? Dead.

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Why couldn’t the alligator send e-mails on his PC? Because it was on old croc.