Q: How many Australians does it take to screw

What do you call an honest lawyer?

| Lawyer jokes

What do you call an honest lawyer? An oxymoron.

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There are three kinds of

| Accountant jokes

There are three kinds of accountants in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

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Q: What's the ultimate

| Dirty jokes

Q: What's the ultimate embarrassment for a blonde? A: When her ben-wa balls set off the airport metal detector.

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What do you get if you cross a bird with a

| Monster jokes

What do you get if you cross a bird with a monstrous snarl? A budgerigrrrrr!

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Witch l: "How do you manage to stay in shape?"

| Witch jokes

Witch l: "How do you manage to stay in shape?" Witch 2: "I get a lot of hexercise."

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Q: How many Australians does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: One, but you have to pry him off the sheep first. A: Two – one to say “She’ll be right mate” and one to fetch the beers. A: 16. One to change the bulb and 15 to say “Good on yer, mate!”