Q: How do you sink an Irish submarine?

How many ants are needed to fill an apartment

| Ant jokes

How many ants are needed to fill an apartment ? Ten ants !

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Q: Why do blondes always die before help

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why do blondes always die before help arrives? A: They always forget the "11" in "9-1-1".

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What do you call a 100

| Frog jokes

What do you call a 100 year old frog ? An old croak !

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What has eighteen legs and fetches a ball?

| Dog jokes

What has eighteen legs and fetches a ball? The Philadelphia Beagles!

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Two Kentucky psychology majors were walking

| College jokes

Two Kentucky psychology majors were walking through the campus. "Do you consider a 1441.Q. high?" "Yes!" "For the whole basketball team?"

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Q: How do you sink an Irish submarine? A: Knock on the hatch.