A black guy walks into

A man was in court charged with

| Car and train jokes

A man was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked if he had anything to say in his defense. "They shouldn't put up such misleading notices," said the man. "It said FINE FOR PARKING HERE."

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And then there was the Newfie who was

| Idiot and fool jokes

And then there was the Newfie who was found dead in his jail cell with twelve bumps on his head. He'd tried to hang himself with a rubber band.

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What did the fat pig say when the farmer

| Pig jokes

What did the fat pig say when the farmer dumped corn mash into the trough? "I'm afraid that's all going to waist."

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A judge was interviewing a woman regarding her

| Divorce jokes

A judge was interviewing a woman regarding her pending divorce, and asked, "What are the grounds for your divorce?" She replied, "About four acres and a nice little home in the middle of the property with a stream running by." "No," he said, "I mean what is the foundation of this case?" "It is m

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Q: Where does Napolean keep his armies?

| History jokes

Q: Where does Napolean keep his armies? A: In his sleevies!

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A black guy walks into a tavern with a parrot on his shoulder…the bartender looks up and says ” where the hell did you get that thing? The Parrot replies ” Over in Africa, there’s millions of them ” !!!!