What is your dog’s favorite breakfast?

What tea do footballers drink?

| Sport jokes

What tea do footballers drink? Penaltea!

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Mrs. McKenzie was showing Corbett, the

| College jokes

Mrs. McKenzie was showing Corbett, the contractor, through the second floor of her new house to show him what colors to paint the rooms. "I'd like the bathroom done in white!" Corbett walked over to the window and shouted, "Green up! Green up!" "I want the bedroom in blue!" continued the woman

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Q. What's the definition

| Music jokes

Q. What's the definition of a quarter tone? A. A bagpiper tuning his drones.

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When a

| Blonde jokes

When a blonde goes to London on a plane, how can you steal her window seat ? Tell her the seats that are going to London are all in the middle row'

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What do you get if you cross a newsreader

| Journalist jokes

What do you get if you cross a newsreader and a toad ? A croaksman !

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What is your dog’s favorite breakfast? Pooched eggs!