Teacher: Shall I put the school computer

What is a runner's favourite subject in school

| Sport jokes

What is a runner's favourite subject in school ? Jog-raphy !

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A woman just back from Arizona was telling her

| Face jokes

A woman just back from Arizona was telling her friends about the trip. "When my husband first saw the Grand Canyon, his face dropped a mile," she said. "Why, was he disappointed with the view?" "No, he fell over the edge."

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Q: What is a crowbar?

| Bird jokes

Q: What is a crowbar? A: A place were crows go to get a drink!

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Why did the farmer hang raincoats all over his

| Apple jokes

Why did the farmer hang raincoats all over his orchard? Someone told him he should get an apple Mac'

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Why was Easter the aardvark's

| Aardvark jokes

Why was Easter the aardvark's favorite holiday? Because he liked aard-boiled eggs!

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Teacher: Shall I put the school computer on? Pupil: No, Miss, the dress you’re wearing looks fine.