Q: What is the difference between Windows 95

One day the counsellor got a

| Humor jokes

One day the counsellor got a phone call. It was from a camper who had been at camp the summer before. The old camper said, 'I thought of camp yesterday. 'Why?' the counsellor asked. 'Where were you?' 'At the garbage dump! the old camper answered.

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What is the difference between a fisherman

| Fishing jokes

What is the difference between a fisherman and a lazy student? One baits his hook, the other hates his book.

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Did you hear about the girl monster who wasn't

| Beauty jokes

Did you hear about the girl monster who wasn't pretty and wasn't ugly ? She was pretty ugly'

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What do you get if you cross a baby with soldiers

| Baby jokes

What do you get if you cross a baby with soldiers ? Infantry !

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Why was the glow worm unhappy ?

| Insect jokes

Why was the glow worm unhappy ? Because her children weren't that bright !

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Q: What is the difference between Windows 95 and Windows 98? A: 3 years