Me: “What is that noise?”

Only in America do we chain $2.00 ink pens to

| Ethnic jokes

Only in America do we chain $2.00 ink pens to the counter but leave our $58,000 cars out in the driveway.

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Doctor, Doctor Have you got something

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor Have you got something for a bad headache? Of course. Just take this hammer and hit yourself in the head. Then you'll have a bad headache.

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Who was the most powerful

| Cat jokes

Who was the most powerful cat in China ? Chairman Miaow !

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What is the easy way to get a wild elephant

| Elephant jokes

What is the easy way to get a wild elephant ? Get a tame one and annoy it !

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How can you double your money?

| Money jokes

How can you double your money? Look at it in a mirror.

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Me: “What is that noise?” Customer: “Hey Martinez!! I’m on the phone! Cut it out!” Me: “What was that?” Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Customer: “It’s from a device.” Me: “What kind of device?” Customer: “I don’t know.” Me: “Like a fax machine or something?” Customer: “I don’t know. Someone is under house arrest or something.”