Who sings “Love me tender”, and makes

Which of the seven dwarfs use the

| Internet jokes

Which of the seven dwarfs use the Internet? Happ-e, Sleep-e, Grump-e, Dope-e and Sneez-e.

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How do snowmen read their e-mails?

| Snowman jokes

How do snowmen read their e-mails? With an icy-stare!

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Did you hear about the man who ate nothing but

| Horse jokes

Did you hear about the man who ate nothing but oats every day? He fell in love with the Grand National winner!

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Which aardvark holds the speed record?

| Aardvark jokes

Which aardvark holds the speed record? The nearsighted aardvark, who wrapped his tongue around a motorcycle!

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Then there was the Puerto

| Idiot and fool jokes

Then there was the Puerto Rican surgeon who made medical history. He performed the first appendix transplant.

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Who sings “Love me tender”, and makes Christmas toys? Santa’s little Elvis.