What’s a hairdressers’s favourite

Whats a frogs favourite game ?

| Frog jokes

Whats a frogs favourite game ? It's croak-et !

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Why are rabbits never gold?

| Rabbit jokes

Why are rabbits never gold? How would you tell them apart from goldfish?'

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Why is an old car like a baby

| Car and train jokes

Why is an old car like a baby playing? Because it goes with a rattle.

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Why does mama aardvark call her husband a

| Aardvark jokes

Why does mama aardvark call her husband a cannibal? Because he ate his ant for dinner!

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Q: Why did the clown cross the road? A: To

| Humor jokes

Q: Why did the clown cross the road? A: To find his rubber chicken.

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What’s a hairdressers’s favourite Christmas song? ‘Oh comb all ye faithful’