How can you kill an idiot with half a dollar?

Q: How many bassoonists does it take to screw in

| Music jokes

Q: How many bassoonists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Only one, but they'll insist on going through about 5 bulbs before they find one that suits this particular room and situation.

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A brunette walks into a bar and says, "Gimme an

| Blonde jokes

A brunette walks into a bar and says, "Gimme an M L." The bartender says, "What's an M L?" The brunette says, "A Miller Light." Another brunette walks in and says, "Gimme a B L" The bartender says, "What's a B L?" She says, "Bud Light." A dumb blonde walks in and says, "Gimme a 15." The bartende

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Do you really believe your husband when he

| Fishing jokes

Do you really believe your husband when he tells you he goes fishing every weekend? asked Jane's best friend. "Why shouldn't I?" said Jane. "Well, maybe he is having an affair?" "No way" said Jane "he never returns with any fish..."

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A woman

| Dirty jokes

A woman went to the doctor and complained that she was suffering from I knee pains. "Do you indulge in any activity that puts a lot of pressure on your knees?" asked the doctor. "Every night, my husband and I have sex on the floor doggy style." "I see," said the doctor. "You know, there are

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Did you hear about the granny who plugged her

| Bed jokes

Did you hear about the granny who plugged her electric blanket into the toaster by mistake? She spent the night popping out of bed.

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How can you kill an idiot with half a dollar? Throw it under a bus.