What did they call it when NHL officials

Q: Why don't blondes eat bananas?

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why don't blondes eat bananas? A1: They can't find the zipper. A2: They cant find the pull tab.

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Where do you find a down-and-out

| Various animal jokes

Where do you find a down-and-out octopus ? On squid row !

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Q. How does Bill Gates enter his house?

| Computer jokes

Q. How does Bill Gates enter his house? A. He uses "windows".

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OUESTION: What is cosmetics?

| Women jokes

OUESTION: What is cosmetics? ANSWER: Cosmetics is a woman's means for keeping a man from reading between the lines.

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How do you make a hamburger green?

| Burger jokes

How do you make a hamburger green? Find a yellow cheeseburger and mix it with a blue one!

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What did they call it when NHL officials refused to allow a hamburger to play hockey in the league? Rink injustice!