Food on the Table by E. Tittup

Night. A sleeping couple

| Marriage jokes

Night. A sleeping couple is lying in a bed. Door bell rings. A couple wakes up. Woman: "Quick! My husband is back!" Man jumps out from a window. Flying down he starts to think: "Shit! But I am the husband!"

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What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the

| Snowman jokes

What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman? Have an ice day!

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The Chief Rabbi and the Pope are in a

| Religious jokes

The Chief Rabbi and the Pope are in a meeting in Rome. The Rabbi notices a fancy shmancy phone on a side table in the Pope's private chambers. "What's that phone for?" he asks. "It's my direct line to the Lord!" the Pope replies. The Rabbi is doubtful, but the Pope insists that he tries it out

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Q.How do you put out a

| Firefighter jokes

Q.How do you put out a fire? A.Take away the HEAT , FUEL , OXYGEN , or the CHIEF!

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The patient: Tell me, is it true that

| Doctor and nurse jokes

The patient: Tell me, is it true that alcohol decreases blood pressure? Doctor: Yes, that is true. P: And, is it true that coffee increases blood pressure? D: Yes, that is also true. P: So, in average, I live normally.

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Food on the Table by E. Tittup