Q: How did the blonde

Why did the bees go on strike ?

| Insect jokes

Why did the bees go on strike ? Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers !

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Why did a anowman send his father to

| Snowman jokes

Why did a anowman send his father to Siberia? Because he wanted frozen pop !

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Where do bees go on holiday ?

| Insect jokes

Where do bees go on holiday ? Stingapore !

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If you crossed two cows with a flock of ducks,

| Cow jokes

If you crossed two cows with a flock of ducks, what would you get? Milk and quackers!

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Q. What's worse

| Food jokes

Q. What's worse than finding a worm in the apple you're eating? A. Finding half a worm.

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Q: How did the blonde die drinking milk? A: The cow fell on her.