I offered a blonde a penny for her thoughts….

Q: Why do blonde nurses bring red

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Q: Why do blonde nurses bring red magic markers to work? A: In case they have to draw blood.

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What do you call an aardvark that's just lost

| Aardvark jokes

What do you call an aardvark that's just lost a fight? A vark!

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Q.What do you get when you cross a Fire

| Firefighter jokes

Q.What do you get when you cross a Fire Chief two Lotus Notes Gurus ? A. FireWeb .... of course!

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Teacher: Can anyone tell me how many seconds

| School jokes

Teacher: Can anyone tell me how many seconds there are in a year ? Pupil: 12 - 2nd January, 2nd February...!

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How would you get four reindeer

| Various animal jokes

How would you get four reindeer in a car? Two in the front and two in the back! And how do you get four polar bears in a car? Take the reindeer out first

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I offered a blonde a penny for her thoughts…. she gave me change!