What do you give a

What do you call an aardvark that writes

| Aardvark jokes

What do you call an aardvark that writes poems? A bardvark!

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Which ghost sailed the seven seas looking for

| Ghost jokes

Which ghost sailed the seven seas looking for rubbish and blubber? The ghost of BinBag the Whaler.

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What do you call a frog who wants to be a

| Cowboy jokes

What do you call a frog who wants to be a cowboy? Hoppalong Cassidy.

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How do dolphins send messages?

| E-mail jokes

How do dolphins send messages? By sea-mail.

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Q: What was the last thing a blonde heard

| Blonde jokes

Q: What was the last thing a blonde heard before dying of old age? A: "Today children, we will learn our ABC's"

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What do you give a nine-hundred-pound gorilla for his birthday? I don’t know, but you’d better hope he likes it!