I’d like to say

How did the flea learn to use the

| Internet jokes

How did the flea learn to use the internet? He had to start from scratch.

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Two government economists were returning

| Business jokes

Two government economists were returning home from a field meeting. As with all government travelers, they were assigned the cheapest seats on the plane so they each were occupying the center seat on opposite sides of the aisle. They continued their discussion of the knotty problem that had bee

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Q: How many Liberal Democrats does it take

| Political jokes

Q: How many Liberal Democrats does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: None. "Well it's not really a question of should we change it or should we not change the lightbulb, but more a question of...(blah blah waffle)"

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Q: How many conservatives does it take to

| Political jokes

Q: How many conservatives does it take to change a light bulb? A: One; after reflecting in the twilight on the merit of the previous bulb.

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How does an elephant get out of a small car

| Elephant jokes

How does an elephant get out of a small car ? The same way that he got in !

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I’d like to say something nice about you as it’s your birthday. Why don’t you? Because I can’t think of a single thing to say!