Why did the chicken cross the

The Millionaire by Ivor Fortune

| Book title jokes

The Millionaire by Ivor Fortune

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What do pygmy cannibals eat for

| Cannibal jokes

What do pygmy cannibals eat for breakfast? Weedie Bix!!

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Q. What do you call a dead blonde in a

| Blonde jokes

Q. What do you call a dead blonde in a closet? A. The 1995 Hide and Seek World Champion.

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Where do steers go to dance?

| Cow jokes

Where do steers go to dance? To the Meat Ball!

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I walked into a bar the

| Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun!

I walked into a bar the other day and ordered a double. The bartender brought out a guy who looked just like me.

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Why did the chicken cross the playground ? To get to the other slide